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Pakhuis de Zwijger


This was the programme for Africa Day 2023, organised by FEPS and FMS! It was a day full of interesting debates, discussions, workshops, lectures, talks, and culture. The program for Afrikadag 2024 will be published here soon!

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Round 2 (12:00-13:00)

Lecture by former minister Jan Pronk

Location: Grote-Zaal

Organiser:FMS & FEPS

Available:208 places left

Former Dutch minister of Development Cooperation Jan Pronk gives a lecture on climate justice, with responses by MEP Mohammed Chahim and Milka Yemane.

Speakers: Mohammed Chahim, Milka Yemane - Moderator: Ties Huis in 't Veld

Language: Dutch

Time for people-centered security in the Sahel! But how?

Location: IJzaal


Available:71 places left

The military takeover on 26 July 2023 in Niger was the sixth coup in West Africa in two years. Once again it revealed the governance crisis in the Sahel. It also confirmed the regional and continent’s collective security dilemmas and the deficiencies of its architectures for peace, security and governance. The fragility of governments in the Sahel region in countering violent extremism is evident and results in the adoption of military approaches to insecurity (hard security). Such strategies not only fail to address the root causes of conflict, but also increasingly undermine the basis for a people-centred approaches, which are better fit to respond to communities’ security needs. How can this be dealt with?

Speakers: Moderator: Mr. Jair van der Lijn (Senior Researcher and Director of the SIPRI Peace Operations and Conflict Management Programme)
Ibrahima Amadou Maïga (Secretary-General of RENEDEP - Réseau National pour l’Éveil Démocratique et Patriotique (national network for democratic and patriotic awakening)); Kees Matthijssen (Lieutenant-General of Dutch Armed Forces; Former Force Commander of MINUSMA mission in Mali); Iris Hartevelt (Cluster Director West Africa, Cordaid); Tijmen Rooseboom (Special Envoy for the Sahel Region, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Language: English

The Climate Crisis is a Children's Crisis

Location: Studio

Organiser:Save The Children

Available:76 places left

In this workshop, we talk to African youth and Dutch politicians and policymakers about children's rights. Climate change is putting pressure on children's rights in Africa, for example regarding access to education, food security and healthcare. While children in Africa do not contribute to the problem, the consequences for them are significant. In this panel discussion, we will take a closer look at these climate injustices and discuss with young people how they are affected by the climate crisis. We will also explore how to involve African youth in the creation of international climate policy and how Dutch politics can contribute to climate justice in Africa.

Speakers: Suzanne Kröger (MP GroenLinks-PvdA), Aoife Fleming (World Youth 4 Climate Justice), Marieke Koekkoek (MP Volt)

Language: English

Equal Trade Chocolate Tastes Better

Location: Workspace

Organiser:Africa In Motion

Available:37 places left

Poverty-free chocolate industry: Despite decades of efforts, extreme poverty among cocoa farmers in Ghana remains unchanged whilst being vital to the multi-billion dollar chocolate industry. On 18 November, Africa In Motion is launching the 'Equal Trade Chocolate Tastes Better' campaign, aiming for a poverty-free cocoa industry. This pioneering and holistic approach targets deep-seated causes in order to eliminate the symptoms of extreme poverty, such as child labour, environmental degradation, gender inequality, migration and countless other challenges.
Register now for this interactive session to become part of the generation working towards a world where inequality is a thing of the past.

Speakers: Max Koffi (Africa In Motion); Samira Rafaela (Member of the European Parliament for D66)

Language: Dutch

A Decolonial and Feminist Energy Transition

Location: Ruimte Expo



Climate justice, as a crosscutting theme in foreign policies such as the Dutch Africa Strategy, must be a priority, now more than ever. 2023 has been a devastating year in terms of climate disasters; yet the people most affected are the ones who contribute the least to CO2 emissions. This Afrikadag, join WECF and Milieudefensie to discover why climate justice should go hand in hand with a decolonial and feminist approach on the energy transition. Perspectives from Morocco, Mozambique and Ethiopia, will illustrate what a fair and inclusive transition can look like. Through an interactive engagement with the audience, we hope to generate critical and fruitful discussions.

Speakers: Tinebeb Berhane (Country Director ActionAid Ethiopia), Isabelle Geuskens (Just Energy Transition Senior Officer, Milieudefensie), Latifa Seroukh (founder of SunPowerCoop Energy Cooperative, Morocco)

Language: English

Practical information & Accessibility

Africa Day 2023 will take place on Saturday 18 November from 10:00 am at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam. The accessibility of Pakhuis de Zwijger is good. It is about a 10-15 minute walk from Amsterdam Central Station, or reachable by car, bus and tram.

Pakhuis de Zwijger is accessible for wheelchair users and persons with disabilities. There are facilities throughout the building for accessibility. For example, all rooms are accessible via the lift and there is an adapted toilet on the second floor. Do you need anything else from us to make the most of your experience at this event? Feel free to contact us at
